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Getting Started with Dartblaze

Welcome to Dartblaze! This guide will help you set up your development environment and create your first Dart Cloud Function.


Google Cloud Platform setup

Before you start using Dartblaze, please enable the following APIs in the GCP console:

  • Cloud Run API
  • EventArc API



Installation instructions coming soon

Setup the CLI

  1. Run the dartblaze doctor command to make sure you have all the dependendencies installed locally
  2. Login using the dartblaze login command


The login command will also prompt you to login into firebase and gcloud if you are not already logged in

Creating Your First Project

  1. List out your projects using dartblaze projects:list.

    Copy the project id of the project you would like to use.

  2. Initialize the project

    dartblaze init -e <account_email> -p <project_id>

    For email, use the same email that you use for Firebase.

    For project id, use one of the projects associated with your Firebase account.